今回の『ガチナンパ!』は趣向を変えた番外編!エロい女子は友達もエロいのか?を徹底検証!「自分よりエロ可愛い友達を紹介して下さい」を合言葉に次々と素人女子に中出ししまくりハメまくり!しかも全員が巨乳ちゃんという奇跡っぷり!そんなウマい話が…あったんです!エッチで拡げようガチナンパの輪!ビッチじゃないわよ!エッチなだけよ!This edition of ‘Real Pick-Up!’ is an extravaganza with a different twist! Do slutty girls have slutty friends? With the question, “Please introduce us to one of your friends who’s sluttier and cuter than you are,” we find amateur girls that wan to be fucked and fucked one after another! It’s a miracle that all of them have big tits! Does that ever actually happen? Let’s have sex and expand the circle of pick-up girls! I’m not a slut! I’m just naughty!