
オムツの使い方完全マニュアル2 #1 – Hey動画 – Hey動画>B-EAGLE

行楽シーズン、女子トイレは行列ばかりで我慢が大変。女子はトイレのことが心配でお出かけだって楽しめない。でもこの作品を見て、『オムツ』を着けてお出かけすれば安心!!という建前はさて置き、『オムツ』をプレイという観点からではなく、『使い方(と羞恥)』という観点から着目した作品。様々なオムツに尿とりパッドを取り付けて、実用的状態で実際に排泄をしながら着け方、使い方、注意点、交換の仕方までマニュアル形式でご紹介。着用の仕方や着用状態で我慢してからの排尿などなど。排尿後、尿をタップリ吸い込んで黄色く変色した尿とりパッドを見て羞恥に塗れながら交換の仕方を説明したり、他人に交換されたりと見どころは盛りだくさん。透明オムツではパッドに尿が吸収されていく様子も。さらに透明オムツ、かつ、尿とりパッド無しでの排尿など珍しい映像も様々なアングルからお届け。羞恥的要素をふんだんに含みつつも、あくまで『マニュアル』の体裁は崩さず。During the holiday season, the women's restroom is hard to endure because of all the lines. Girls can't even enjoy going out because they are worried about the toilets.They can't even enjoy going out. But if you watch this work and wear diapers while you go out, you won't have to worry! Er, or setting aside that facade…This is our second work that focuses on diapers, not from the perspective of sexual play, but from the perspective of actual usage (and shame).It introduces how to put diapers on, how to use them, what to pay attention to, and how to change it in a manual format.After urinating, we explain how to change the urine pad while being embarrassed by the yellowish color of the pad, or having it changed by someone else.There are many different angles to diapers in this rare work, with transparent diapers, urination without the special urine pads, and much, much more.While containing plenty of shameful elements, it still maintains the appearance of a "manual".


ANALSEXFUN! vol.4 – Hey動画 – ゲイ|Hey動画>G-EAGLE

青年の若いエキスを求め濃厚に絡む痩せマッチョ。目隠しした青年の体を全身愛撫すると痩せマッチョの肉棒が巨大化!すかさずアナルに巨大チンポを挿入し、正上位でがんがん突きまくる。最後は「あ〜気持ちいい」と敏感に声を荒げる青年に顔面発射!He is a skinny macho man who seeks out the essence of youth from young men. As the macho man caresses the young blindfolded man all over, the macho’s cock grows to huge proportions! He quickly thrusts his cock into the young man’s ass, going at it hard in missionary. In the end, he shoots cum all over the young man’s face, as he screams out in a sensitive voice, “Oh, it feels so good!”



ANALSEXFUN! vol.3 – Hey動画 – Hey動画>G-EAGLE

ゴーグルをはめたハンサム青年と胸毛がセクシーな青年二人が、シャワールームでお互いのチンポを中心に洗い合いっこ!欲情してビンビンになった二人の男根…我慢しきれずしゃぶついちゃいました。ベッドに戻りアナルを入念にほぐしたら、ゴーグル青年のチンポを挿入。ピストンをしながら相手の竿をシゴく荒業で最後は二人とも快楽の絶頂へ!A handsome young Goggle-Man and a sexy young guy with a hairy chest wash each other’s cocks in the shower room! Their cocks-brains are so horny that they can’t resist sucking each other’s cocks. After returning to the bed and carefully playing with his ass, the Goggle-Man thrusts his dick in. A piston fuck ensues, with plenty of stroking going on. At the end, the two each the zenith of pleasure!



ANALSEXFUN! Vol.2 – Hey動画 – ゲイ|Hey動画>G-EAGLE

引き締まったボディの男優が開始早々、青年の乳首に吸い付きチンポを激しくシコシコ…ベッドルームに快楽の喘ぎ声がこだまします。脚を広げた青年のお尻の穴でピストン、バックに体位を変え激しいアナルファック!男優がアナル内に射精した後は、自らシゴいて腹上に出しちゃいました。As soon as our tight-bodied male star started sucking and lapping at the nipples of our vulnerable young man for the taking, and stroking his cock up and down, up and down…the bedroom filled with the cries of pleasure. The young man spreads his leads, only to get thrust in, deep! We change to doggy style, and he gets fucked HARD. After our star gave him an anal creampie, the young man kept on stroking and came all over his stomach.



ANALSEXFUN! vol.1 – Hey動画 – ゲイ|Hey動画>G-EAGLE

引き締まったボディの男二人は重なり合い、乳首やアナル、チンポなどを入念に愛撫しあいます。スジ筋が美しい男優は、今回登場してくれた青年の脚をおもむろに広げるとギンギンにいきり立ったチンポをアナルにぶち込みます。パワー溢れる激しいピストンをしつつ、青年のチンポもしっかりシゴき二人とも絶頂に!Two men, both with tight, firm bodies, overlap each other and carefully caress each other’s nipples, asses, and cocks. Our male star, a man with just the most beautiful muscles, spreads the legs of the young man who came to today’s shoot, and shoves his cock right up into his ass. A powerful piston of fucking ensues, the young man stroking himself — and in a brilliant breath of passion, they both reach the height of orgasm.

