碌でもない仕事ばかりを斡旋してくるプロデューサーに堪忍袋の緒が切れた新人組3人、あ〇り、あき〇、〇あむが、変態根性を叩き直そうと揃ってプロデューサーの急所を袋叩きにする。しかしお仕置後、もの足らない新人3人組は更にプロデューサーの急所で遊ぶことに、、、3人での本気の金蹴り、玉踏み潰し、玉・竿引っ張り、玉握り潰し、玉乗り潰しなどThe three rookies, Auri, Aki, and Amu, have run out of patience with the producer who has been offering them all kinds of useless jobs, and in an attempt to rebuild their perverted spirit, they all beat the producer on his vitals. However, after the punishment, the three newcomers are not satisfied and decide to play with the producer's kryptonite… The three of them really kick the producer, step on his balls, pull his balls and pole, crush his balls, ride his balls, etc.
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