今回は、爽やかな笑顔がまぶしいイケメンリーマン君に登場してもらいました。見た目の爽やかさとは裏腹な、血管浮き立つ巨根の持ち主の彼。男にそれを責めてもらうのは初めてらしく最初は緊張気味の彼でしたが、徐々にゴーグルマンのテクに痺れていきます。ラストは太っとい肉竿から超濃厚のザーメンをゴーグルマンの口元に放出してフィニッシュ!!"This time, we were joined by a handsome young man with a dazzlingly fresh smile. Despite his fresh appearance, he has a huge cock with floating veins. He was a little nervous at first, as if it was his first time to have a man torment him, but he gradually became excited by goggle man's technique. In the end, he finishes off by shooting a huge load of cum into goggle man's mouth!"